Tuesday 2 April 2013

Tibetan Activists Hit by Second Android Spy Malware

If you are a Tibetan activist, it looks more and more like you probably shouldn't use Android phones. Last week, Kaspersky Labs uncovered the first Trojan virus targeting Tibetan and Uyghur activists. On Monday, another report points to state-sponsored Chinese hackers spying on Tibetans using a compromised version of a mobile messaging app and probably some help from the Chinese government.
According to a report by cybersecurity researchers at Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto, Tibetan activists are the target of an attack that steals the victim's contacts and messages as well as tracks his or her location. The modus operandi of the attack is
strikingly similar to the one uncovered last week, although at the technical level at least, the two attacks can't be linked, the researchers said.
The attackers sent a Tibetan activist a phishing email, that appeared to be coming from a trusted contact, containing an Android Appication
Package to install Kakao Talk , an app that lets the user send free messages over the Internet. The file, however, is not the actual Kakao
Talk installer, but a compromised version of it that includes additional permission requests that open up the door for the attackers.
An attack like this, note the researchers, wouldn't work by default on any Android device, since they are set up to only install trusted applications.
But Tibetan activists as well as Chinese users have access to a restricted version of Google Play app store, so they often install apps from third parties. Moreover, they may not be tech savvy enough to recognize that the malware filled app requires additional permissions that the regular one doesn't.
Once the malicious app is installed, it starts collecting data and stores it in a .txt file in the phone. At the same time, it contacts a command and control server to upload the stolen data. The app also lets the attacker gather geolocation data by automatically responding to an SMS message containing a malicious code. This exchange isn't visible to the phone owner
and happens completely unbeknownst to him.
The researchers at Citizen Lab found this last part of the attack particularly interesting. "This information is only useful to actors with
access to the cellular communications provider and its technical infrastructure, such as large businesses and government," the report
reads. "It almost certainly represents the information that a cellular service provider requires to initiate eavesdropping, often referred to as 'trap & trace.'"
That seems to indicate that whoever is behind the attack has the capability of combining the data mined from the phone with information from telecom companies. For the researchers that can almost exclusively mean the Chinese government is behind these attacks.
"We don’t have a smoking gun that this is the Chinese government," Citizen Lab director Ron Deibert told Forbes . "But let’s face it, when you
add it all up, there’s really only one kind of organization for whom this information is useful. And we know that the Chinese have a very strong interest in tracking Tibetans, so it’s a strong set of circumstantial evidence.”
As powerful as the malware is, the researchers also note that many of the permission the app has are actually not in use. The malware doesn't gather GPS or Bluetooth related data. Bluetooth data especially could be very interesting for Chinese spies, since it would give them a way of getting information of any device in close proximity to the infected phone.
Overall, this is bad news for Tibetan activists. Kakao was being recommended as an alternative to WeChat, a Chinese app that is considered less secure. "It’s clear that Chinese authorities want to disrupt our work and make us spend time on this kind of thing rather than the work of advocacy or organizing,” Lhadon Tethong, director of the Tibet Action Institute told Forbes' Andy Greenberg. “These mobile attacks
are newer. And they’re very alarming.”

Harsh Ghelani

3D-Printed Face Made This Man's Life Whole Again

Thanks to 3D-printing technology, Eric Moger is getting his life back.
Four years ago, doctors detected a massive tumor growing beneath the skin on his face. They successfully removed the cancerous growth, but were also forced to remove most of the entire left side of his face.
After the lifesaving procedure, the British restaurant manager had a gaping hole where his eye, cheek bone, and part of his jaw had been. Moger would have gone on to live the rest of his life with half his face missing.
Nicholas Kalavrezos—the surgeon who removed his tumor—referred Moger to Dr. Andrew Dawood, a dental surgeon and implant specialist. Dawood had previously experimented with 3D printing by recreating his patients' jaws and practicing surgical procedures on them.
With Moger, Dawood used CT and facial scans to create a facial blueprint.
Using that data, the doctor was able to construct a "scaffold," a titanium
jaw replacement that uses 2-inch-long rods to hold it in place.
Dawood also implanted a plastic plate inside of Moger's mouth. This would
allow him to eat and drink for the first time since the surgery. Previously, Moger was fed via a tube that went directly into his stomach.
The surgeon used toughened nylon and magnets to build a removable facade.
"When I had it in my hand, it was like looking at myself in my hands," Eric Moger told the Sydney Morning Herald , referring to his new mask. "When I first put it up to my face, I couldn't believe how good it looked."
This is what Moger looked like prior the surgery. This is him with the prosthetic.
"Before, I used to have to hold my hand up to my jaw to keep my face still so I could talk properly and I would have liquid running out the side of my
face if I tried to drink. When I had the first glass of water wearing the prosthetic face, nothing came out—it was amazing." The 60-year-old British man, who got engaged prior to developing the tumor, is just glad to be getting his life back on track.
"Now I have a new face for the wedding," he noted. "I can restart my life after having it on hold for four and a half years."

Harsh Ghelani

Amazon Hires Former Windows Phone Exec to Work on 'Something Secret'

Amazon has hired Charlie Kindel, the former general manager for Microsoft's Windows Phone to work on "something secret." Kindel, whose name prompted suspicions that he may have been trying to pull off an April Fool's hoax, wrote on his LinkedIn profile that he's working on "something wonderful" at Amazon. Under his title, Kindel wrote "Director, Something Secret."
Prior to joining Amazon, Kindel was the general manager of Windows Phone Developer Experience from January 2009 to August 2011 where he worked on the Windows Phone 7 platform. Just prior to joining Amazon, Kindel was CEO of BizLogr, a startup he founded that created MileLogr , an app that help you log your mileage for tax purposes. Amazon's latest hire will doubtlessly fuel speculation that the company is
working on an Amazon-branded smartphone. That product has been rumored for some time.

Harsh Ghelani